An Addict Writes by Warren Pole
(journalist and co-founder of 33Shake)

This was of course classic Northern understatement, not that I knew it at the time. Regardless, the comment stuck and became an itch that needed scratching and so in 2010 a mate and I made the drive up from London for our inaugural Fellsman experience. Said mate – a several-time decent Ironman finisher – was wary, but the free pie and pea supper before race day swung the deal for him.
We left town too late, arrived at Wharfedale school too late, and were still faffing with our kit and marking maps until 2am. Looking back, we may have been the most screamingly obvious non-finishers in the race’s long and illustrious history.
Yet despite this inauspicious start, the Fellsman was worming its way under my skin thanks to a charm many races lack and a brilliantly honest challenge. Where too many events now scream about how tough they are only to follow up with something about as taxing as an egg and spoon race, the Fellsman quietly ignores them all and gets on with being genuinely difficult without needing to yell about it.
Every year has brought new lessons, from kit preparation and planning, to how to sleep for five minutes in a food tent the size of a wendy house when the wind’s threatening to hurl it skywards like the house from the Wizard of Oz. And every year has left me with an ever bigger smile on my face afterwards.

PS: nearly forgot, quick plug – I run a natural sports nutrition company for endurance athletes called 33Shake. Three of us started it as we were fed up with the cheap junk on the market and felt athletes were being sold short – 33Shake is our way of righting that balance. We’re at if you’d like to check us out.