The Event
Entrant Kit Information

Event Kit Rules

Each individual and team is responsible for being properly equipped for the duration of the event in often very exposed terrain at the end of April. The equipment specified below should be seen as a minimum requirement only. Entrants are advised to check the weather forecast and use your previous experience and sound judgement to determine the kit you should be wearing and carrying. The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any entrants who, in their opinion, do not have the necessary kit to survive in an emergency situation.

Please note: the organisers regularly review the kit list and therefore the list below is subject to change. Please ensure, even if you are an event veteran, you check the kit list before every event.

A stringent kit check is in operation before all entrants can begin the event, either at Threshfield (finish) on the Friday night or at Ingleton (start) on the Saturday morning (see the Rules page for further details). Failure to have the correct kit in good, serviceable and safe condition will result in entrants not being permitted to start the event. A small shop selling a limited quantity of spare kit is available but the organisers strongly recommend all entrants carefully check they have the required kit prior to arrival on the event.

If you have a kit query, please get in touch to discuss options with our Kit Check Co-ordinator via our Facebook page or email.


This must satisfy the requirements of the Kit Check Officer. The criteria are as follows:


Must be in first class condition. Footwear which is misshapen or excessively worn will not be accepted;


Must have been manufactured for the purpose of fell walking, fell/trail running. Road running shoes or footwear with minimal grips etc. will not be accepted.

2. CLOTHING (to be worn or carried)

A. Legwear:

1. Entrants must wear or carry 2 pairs of full-length legwear (including 1 pair of fully waterproof trousers (recommended with taped seams) preferably brightly coloured). Both pairs must be manufactured for fell walking or fell/trail running.

2. Shorts/three-quarter length legwear may be worn providing the 2 full-length items of legwear in rule 2A1 are also carried/worn.

B. Upper Body Wear

1. A total of 5 long-sleeved tops must be worn or carried.
These must comprise of:

  • 1 fleece / down (or similar synthetic material) layer
  • 1 waterproof jacket with hood (preferably brightly coloured)
  • 1 base layer and 2 tops of choice for further layering.

2. A warm hat and gloves or mittens. The organisers advise that a spare hat and pair of gloves should be carried. Waterproof gloves / mittens are also recommended.

3. To ensure spare clothing remains dry until required, all spare clothing must be sealed in a dry sack (or similar waterproof bag).

N.B Please note that it can become extremely cold overnight and warm layers are essential – please do not skimp to save room/weight.



A personal First-Aid Kit with minimum contents; 1 crepe bandage, 4 safety pins, 1 wound dressing, 6 adhesive dressings, 1 small roll of tape, 2 disinfectant wipes and 1 sterile dressing.


A suitable traditional torch or LED head torch manufactured for running/walking. Pen-lights and miniature torches are not acceptable.


A full spare set of alkaline batteries or spare battery pack and a spare bulb where applicable for above torch.

Yes – a second complete, fully working torch also meets the above rule.

N.B Entrants must have the ability to light the way in the event that your main torch fails.


A whistle.


A mug and spoon/spork.


Maps. EITHER Ordnance Survey OS Explorer OL2 and OL30 OR Harvey Outdoor Maps Dales West & South OR Fellsman map. Details of older maps are available on the website.

N.B Strip maps or photocopied/printed map sections alone are not acceptable.


A ‘Silva’-type compass and knowledge of how to use it in conjunction with the map. Whilst GPS may be used, a compass MUST be carried.


Emergency rations – entrants must carry at least 500kcal of ready-to-eat energy giving and sustaining food of your choice which you would be happy to eat in the event of an emergency.   These rations must not be eaten en-route, except in an emergency, after which the entrant will be retired.

NB – Should dehydrated food be carried for this purpose, entrants must also carry adequate water and the means to heat up this water to rehydrate it.  These emergency rations are in addition to any personal food entrants wish to carry to sustain you around the route (see point 4).


Emergency water / liquid – entrants must carry a minimum of 500ml of water or liquid refreshment upon leaving a checkpoint.  This can be consumed between checkpoints but must be refilled upon arrival at the next checkpoint before departure.  


NB – The organisers also recommend entrants carry an additional container to contain additional liquid between checkpoints, particularly in warm weather.



Survival bag. This must have been manufactured for this purpose.

N.B Survival blankets or sheets will not be accepted.


An emergency hooded, foil hypothermia poncho.


All equipment should be contained in a rucksack or equivalent.


Entrants are advised to carry a personal supply of food in addition to the emergency rations specified in rule 3(H) and in addition to the food supplied at each checkpoint (see Event Catering section). It is important that the quantity of these rations being carried remains at all times sufficient to satisfy this rule. This rule applies until an entrant either finishes or retires from the event. Spot checks will be made to ensure that all the specified equipment, including emergency rations, is being carried. Failure to produce the required quantity will result in disqualification.

Entrants must also carry a minimum of 500ml of water or liquid refreshment. The organisers also recommend an additional container is carried to contain additional liquid between checkpoints as required.

5. Non Mandatory Kit

The two items listed below are not mandatory kit for the 2024 event but they are strongly recommend by the organisers.

Mobile Phone – Entrants are encouraged to carry a fully charged mobile phone in case of an emergency, so you can arrange an help as required. NB – If the number of the mobile you take with you is different from the one you provided on your entry form, please update it prior to the event on SiEntries so that Event control has the correct information).

Rear Red Light – The Fellsman really can chuck every type of weather conditions at you. Entrants are encouraged to have a red flashing light fixed to the rear of packs during the hours of darkness to support with ease of identification and assist with locating you in the event of an emergency.